Está ubicado en la región abdominal, y lo integran los músculos y fascias que componen la pared abdominal. Tiene por límite en su parte anterior al asado y la falda, en la superior a los bifes angostos y en la posterior a la colita de cuadril.
Se puede preparar a partir de un cuarto trasero a 3 costillas, previa extracción del matambre, se lo separa de la colita de cuadril incidiendo a través del tejido conjuntivo que vincula los músculos abdominales con el tensor de la fascia lata, hasta llegar al límite ventral del bife angosto. A continuación, se completa el corte en sentido paralelo al borde del bife angosto hasta llegar a la 13º costilla, la que se bordea hacia ventral hasta lograr la separación de la pieza. Finalmente, se eliminan los excesos de tejidos conjuntivo y adiposo.
It is located in the abdominal region, being composed of the muscles and fasciae integrating the abdominal wall.
The skeletal components
Those points where abdominal muscles are attached, directly or by means of tendons and fasciae to the bones, may be considered as skeletal components. That is to say, the distal and external edges of the last ribs and their corresponding carriage, the transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae, ilium, coxal tuberosity and pubic bone.
Muscular component
It is composed of the m. Obliquus externus abdominis, m. Obliquus internus abdominis, m. Transversus abdominis and m. Rectus abdominis.
This cut is prepared from a hindquarter 3 ribs. After the m. Cutaneous has been separated, the tail of rump (m. Tensor fasciae latae) is removed by cutting through the connective tissue between such muscle and the abdominals. The cut goes on up to the ventral edge of the striploin (m. Longissimus dorsi), continuing parallel to that muscle to reach the caudal edge of the 13' rib, proceeding towards the ventral end of the last 3 ribs to separate the whole piece. After that all heavy connective tissues and fat excesses are subject to the conventional trimming process.
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