Está ubicado en la región dorso-lumbar, limitando hacia craneal con el bife ancho hacia caudal con el cuadril, hacia ventral con el lomo y a ventral y lateral con la porción de asado correspondiente a las 4 últimas costillas y el vacío.
A partir del bife angosto 3-4 costillas con cordón se extrae el cordón correspondiente a la porción del costal largo. El dorsal largo, el espinal, espinal dorsal y multífido dorsal constituyen su conformación muscular.
This cut is located in the dorsal-lumbar region, limited in the cranial area by the fore ribs, in the caudal area by the rump, in the ventral area by the fillet and in the ventral-lateral area by the last 3 or 4 ribs of the plate.
Skeletal references
It comprises half of the six lumbar vertebrae, the last four dorsal vertebrae and the spinal portion of corresponding ribs.
Muscular Component
It is composed of the corresponding part of muscles included in the backbone segment described above, namely m. Longissimus dorsi, m. Spinalis dorsi, m. Multifidi dorsi, m. Kiocosraus, m. Serratum dorsals caudalis and m. Intercostal's.
From a rump & loin 4 ribs bone in, the fillet is removed by excising it from the dorsal, lumbar and sacral vertebrae. The backbone is severed transversally at the lumbar-sacral joint, separating it from the rump. Bones are removed by scalping. Excessive fat depositions are trimmed off
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