Este corte está constituido por la porción carnosa de las inserciones costales del diafragma.
Se prepara separando el diafragma de sus inserciones costales mediante una incisión a lo largo de la cara interna del arco costal. Una vez obtenido, se recorta la membrana serosa que no cubra directamente la porción muscular. Alternativamente, puede extraerse la membrana que envuelve directamente la mencionada porción muscular, quedando la superficie de la misma prácticamente al rojo.
This cut is constituted by the fleshy portion of the diaphragm costal attachments.
The skeletal components
The internal surface of the last eight ribs, their corresponding cartilages and the caudal end of the sternum constitute the skeletal references.
The thin skirt is obtained by separating the diaphragm from its costal attachments by means of a cut along the internal surface of the last ribs.
After that all membranous tissue not covering lean red muscle is trimmed off
As an alternative, membrane which directly covers the fleshy portion of the muscle may be removed.
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